In a worldwide search for sustainable development, the energy sector seems to be a viable target for radireform. Even in the dominant coal-fired power industry, much thought has gone into reducing carbon emissionfor unit power generation. The OECD countries, over this century, have shown a good result on that count. B,fiscal manipulation turns out to be the most effective tool for reaching an efficient power consumption pattern.Environmental economists all over the viorld have recommended an end to energy subsidy that only encouragMmore consumption and hence, more carbon emission. The developing countries, though a bit late, have alsstarted pricing adjustments of energy. Countries like Argentina and Chile hope to achieve an efficient priceAD 2000, while Nigeria, Turkey and Pakistan will keep subsidising wasteful and cheaper electricity.
While looking for a radical solution towards energy efficiency, a Chinese study reveals an interestingpossibility of reducing energy consumption by 37 percent just by changing the product mix of the country.