Mechanical bullocks

A farm implement that promises to be a boon for small farmers
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As a substitute for a pair of bullocks, afarm implement called Mech Bull hasbeen developed for small farmers whocannot afford tractors and power tillers.

Sponsored by Vigyan Ashram inPabal village in Pune, Mech Bull is amultipurpose farm implement thatcarries out various agricultural operationssuch as ploughing and seeding, pumpingwater, carrying chaff, and can also be usedas a cutter and thresher.

Meant for'small cultivators, thiscrude-looking mir)i-tractor has a 6horsepower, air-cooled diesel engineand reconditioned jeep gear reassembled on a sturdy steel chassis fabricated for the purpose. Costing a moderate Rs 37,000, Mech Bull issuitable for assembly and repairs byany rural diesel engine mechanic and workshop.

While 5 prototypes have been madein Pabal village and field tested over 5years on a modest budget of Rs 1.9 lakh,the Vigyan Ashram is willing to trainpeople to assemble the implement elsewhere.

Applauded by local farmers asideal for their needs, Mech Bull MK 11and MK III have proved to be dependableworkhorses and are in regular use in theVigyan Ashram and its neighbourhood. Work on MK IV is underwayand this model will be simpler, cheaperand restricted to land tilling and water pumping.

The main impediment to popularising the implement is a clarification ofits status vis-a-vis the Motor Vehicles Act.

Besides, making the implement eligible for bank loans to small farmers will also go a long way in making it effective,versatile and popular.

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