The Pune-based Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) will conduct an experiment to improve weather forecasting by using additional parameters. The pilot project, which will be sponsored by the department of science and technology (DST) and carried out in the Sabarmati basin of Gujarat, will measure such parameters as the release of heat, water vapour and other substances from the earth's surface.
Says DST scientist P G Rao, "These processes have profound influence on climate. Field experiments will have to be carried out in different geo-climatic conditions to develop a database on surface and sub-surface, hydrology, soil and atmospheric parameters. These will go a long way in making weather forecasting more efficient."
U C Mohanty of the Indian Meteorological Department says this experiment, being conducted at the local level for the first time in the country, will provide more localised data, which is missed out in satellite information systems.