No half measures: Tough solutions for tough problems

CSE recommends priority actions to tackle air pollution in Delhi
No half measures: Tough solutions for tough problems

Priority action

  1. Vehicles (trucks/two-wheelers/diesel cars/rest)
  2. Power plants and industry
  3. Road and construction dust
  4. Garbage burning

To Do (Today, not yesterday and no half measures. Tough solutions for tough problem)

  1. Strict enforcement of SC order to stop entry of trucks, which are not Delhi destined
  2. Urgently add large numbers of public transport vehicles and rebuild roads for pedestrian and cycle safety (this is long term agenda but cannot be put off any more. City has not added even one bus in last 3 years).
  3. Catch, stop and heavily fine visibly polluting vehicles on road
  4. Urgently Stop use of furnace oil and pet coke in Delhi. Issue the notification on approved fuels, which only allows clean fuel to be sold, used in Delhi.
  5. All industries in Delhi (legal and illegal) must move to gas or electricity. No polluting fuel should be allowed.
  6. Ban all generator sets in Delhi, except for essential purposes
  7. Strictly enforce dust control on roads. Heavily penalize all road agencies who do not do dust management.
  8. Strictly enforce rules for dust control in construction sites (cover sites; spray water etc)
  9. Strictly and mercilessly enforce rules against garbage burning. Urgently find solutions to landfill sites.
  10. Work with neighbouring states and central government to implement solutions for intra-city transport in the region and control of pollution from crop burning. Show political leadership in fight against pollution. No one-upmanship will work here. Collaborate. One-airshed.

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