Farmers from across India are expected to converge on Ramlila Ground in the national capital on March 20, 2023, to attend a Kisan Mahapanchayat, according to the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM), a grouping of farmers unions.
Attendance from Punjab, a prominent agrarian state, will be hit as the state police continues operations to nab prominent separatist, Amritpal Singh.
SKM leaders met on the morning of March 19, 2023 at the Press Club of India in New Delhi. They condemned the Union government’s pro-corporate thrust in “development” which is undermining farm income and leading to snatching of farmland, forest reserves and natural resources to help corporate profit, a statement by SKM noted.
Leaders from SKM shall speak in detail about the impact of government policies on farmers, adivasi farmers, women farmers, agricultural and migrant labour, rural workers, unemployment and rising cost of living and declining purchasing power at the Mahapanchayat, the statement added.
The Mahapanchayat shall demand that the Centre fulfil the commitments it had given in writing to SKM on December 9, 2021 and also take effective steps to mitigate the ever increasing and spiralling crisis being faced by farmers.
Demands made by the SKM include:
It was on November 19, 2021, that the Narendra Modi government repealed the three controversial farm laws passed by Parliament in September 2020.
This came after a year of protests by farmers at the border posts of Singhu, Tikri and Ghazipur in Delhi. Many died from heat, cold and COVID-19.