It’s still open season for bio-piracy

It’s still open season for bio-piracy

Rich nations block accord on benefit-sharing rules for the world's genetic resources

Ever heard of industry, and the developed world industry, mind you, saying that patents are not the best way of sharing knowledge? Well, here is what a spokesperson for the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) said in July.

"Using IP (intellectual property) or the patent system to enforce compliance in the access and benefit sharing regime is a significant concern of biotech industries. There are other ways to address compliance issues than through the patent system, such as contracts and mutually agreed terms."

Wow! So the patent system is out and there are better ways to share IP? Before we get carried away, a little context to this singular statement. It was made by Lila Feisee, vice-president for global intellectual property policy at BIO, in Montreal where the Working Group on Access and Benefit-Sharing of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) met.

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