DTE Coverage: Pink bollworm’s cotton curse in India's North Zone

Down To Earth travels to the cotton fields of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan and hears stories of misery and death
Photo: Vikas Choudhary / CSE
Photo: Vikas Choudhary / CSE

Part 1: Recurring losses due to pests in North India compounding farmers’ distress, finds DTE ground report
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Farmers say damage by pink bollworm worse than American bollworm for which the Bt Cotton hybrid was created
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Labourers refuse to pick leftover crop as yield too low and traders refuse to buy citing poor quality
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Farmers say the pest has grown to become worse than the American bollworm
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Entomologists say early and late sowing, long-duration crops and not planting other varieties against advice may have contributed to resistance building
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The production of cotton in Punjab has almost halved in the past decade
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Experiments show 90% reduction in losses, improved yield
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