WHILE the Indian government appears to be a lame duck in the face of the recent spurt in malaria in the country, a joint research team of the University of Western Australia and Murdhoch University has developed a new drug capable of killing one of the most virulent forms of malaria. Today, when the deadly malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, has developed a remarkable resistance to many existing anti-malarial drugs, this discovery comes as a great relief.
The team has used an anti-worm drug, albendazole, used in Australia to kill worms in sheep and cattle, and to kill P falciparum cultures. Although, the commercial production of the new drug is yet to commence, Andrew Thompson, a team member, expressed hopes that this drug could be an effective alternative of those being used currently. Scientists, health-workers and voluntary agencies can contact Thompson for further information.
To get in touch...
Peter Smetacek
5,25 a, Jangpura-b
New Delhi 110 014
The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
Post Box 30772
Nairobi, Kenya
International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Patancheru 502 324
Andhra Pradesh
Andrew Thompson
Murdoch University
Murdoch, wa 6150