Bayer to phase out toxic pesticides

Environmentalists say withdrawal because of economic viability

On September 16, German chemical giant Bayer CropScience announced it would withdraw all the toxic pesticides from the markets. The phasing out would be completed by the end of 2012. "With this commitment we fulfil our promise to end the production and marketing of class I pesticides," said Sandra E Peterson, CEO of Bayer CropScience, in a press release.

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies active ingredients in pesticides according to their acute toxicity; class I pesticides are classified as extremely hazardous. Peterson says these pesticides will be replaced by more modern, targeted and environment-friendly formulations. Bayer has 20 per cent share in world pesticides market. According to WHO, 25 million people are poisoned by pesticides every year.

The phasing out of class 1 pesticides would be completed by the end of 2012
World Health Organization (WHO) classifies active ingredients in pesticides according to their acute toxicity; class I pesticides are classified extremely hazardous
Bayer broke their original promise to withdraw all class I products by the year 2000. Many lives could have been saved, says activist
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