Brazil drought may lead to water rationing by government

With more than four million people likely to be affected, this is believed to be the worst drought in Brazil
Brazil drought may lead to water rationing by government

Worsening drought in Brazil has brought major metropolitan cities in the southeast region of the country on the verge of forced rationing of water. As a result of expected measures by the government, residents and industrialists have now started hoarding water in their apartments. 

“In São Paulo, the country's largest city with a metropolitan area of 20 million people, the main reservoir is at just six per cent of capacity with the peak of the rainy season now past,” says Reuters, in its new report.

Though rationing of water supply has not been confirmed by the government yet as it is expecting heavy rains in next few months, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro may run out of water soon.

Meanwhile, Guardian has also reported that the main water reservoirs are operating at their lowest capacity. The Cantareira reservoir system, which serves more than nine million people in the state, is only five per cent full. At the Alto Tietê reservoir network, which supplies three million people in greater Sao Paulo, water levels are below 15 per cent. 

Many large water-intensive industries, including beverages have also been working on their contingency plans. With more than four million people likely to be affected by rationing and rolling power cuts, this is believed to be the worst drought in Brazil.

Experts have blamed climate change and deforestation in the Amazon region for the growing drought crisis in the region.

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