Aquaculture has speltsuccess for the tiny island ofChilo6, off the coast ofsouthern Chile. Such hasbeen the boom that Chile ignow the world's second-largest salmon producerafter Norway.

Chilotes, as people of theisland are called, have learntto resource their earningsfrom the lakes and inletswhich dot their island.Salmon farming has providednearly 15,000 jobs for theChilotes in a place wherework was so scarce thatyoung children would besent away to neighbouringArgentina to keep the familycoffers running.

Salmon farming finds anideal location in Chilo6. AsThomas Kehler, director ofSalmoAmerica, a , largesalmon plant in Manaoon the northern slopes ofChilo6 says "It is an island,with an inland sea withwaters relatively protected,especially compared withthe Pacific ocean. Theisland's geography is ideal,forming sheltered baysand fiords for the (salmon)pens".

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