Fossil Free: Reimagining Clean Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World| Sumant Sinha| HarperBusiness | 0ctober 30, 2020
The author shares his vision for energy which is not only clean, but also practical and affordable.
The book provides a concise introduction to the challenges, realities, and complexities of the global and local energy industry, as well as the trends and forces driving the energy transition.
It explains how improved electricity infrastructure, decentralised smart grids, electric vehicles, energy storage and market design are already providing clear pathways for the transition towards green, efficient, affordable, and secure renewable energy across the energy-use chain: Extraction, conversion, transmission, distribution and end-use.
Politics and Climate Change: A History | Andy May | American Freedom Publications LLC | October 31, 2020
This book is a brief history of the human-caused climate change debate from its origins in the 19th century until today. The goal is to put the political drama of the debate into a proper scientific context.
The drama is widely reported, but the background scientific debate is usually ignored.
Tales from the Himalayas | Priyanka Pradhan |Rupa Publications India | October 10, 2020
This book takes the reader on a journey into the Himalayas through its stories.
You’ll find tales of snow leopards and mountain ghouls, bagpiping girls and itchy herbs, and stories even as old as 500 years! See the beautiful state of Uttarakhand, resplendent in its colourful customs and traditional costumes, taste the sweet-sour wild berries, feel the chilly autumn wind on your skin and smell the musky pine forests, in seventeen stories.
Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic: Envisioning a Better World by Transforming the Future of Healthcare | Pradeep K Kapur, Joseph M Chalil | The UNN Corporation | October 16, 2020
This book offers sustainable and revolutionary solutions to change healthcare delivery in the United States and a model for other countries.
It suggests a roadmap that goes beyond just reform for organizations such as the United Nations and the World Health Organisation, which are not living up to their initial promise.
The Coronavirus Mess : How Culture Influences Social Distancing in the World of COVID-19 | Richard Deaves| October 20, 2020.
This book is written for readers seeking to understand more clearly how, first, social distancing impacts success or failure in combating the scourge of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and second, the role of culture, broadly defined, in influencing success or failure.
The key takeaway of the book is that those cultures that tend to stress group outcomes over narrow individual goals tend to do better in dealing with the coronavirus.
Wildlife Tourism Futures: Encounters with Wild, Captive and Artificial Animals | Giovanna Bertella |Channel View Publications | December 31, 2020
This book presents a series of possible future scenarios in wildlife and animal tourism by combining critical thinking and imagination to stimulate reflection and ways forward.
The future of wildlife tourism faces uncertainties that revolve around many factors, including climate change, mass wildlife extinction, human population growth, deforestation, sustainability and ethical assumptions.
For wildlife tourism to meet these challenges, new ways of thinking are necessary.