COP 22: APA adopts drafts conclusion

The developing countries called for maintaining the delicate balance of all elements under the APA
Africa group called upon the developed countries to fulfil their pre-2020 ambitions and show leadership
Africa group called upon the developed countries to fulfil their pre-2020 ambitions and show leadership

At the closing plenary of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement, (APA) held on November 14, the Parties adopted the draft conclusions note that was brought out by the co-chairs Sara Bashan (Saudi Arabia) and Jo Tyndall (New Zealand).

The APA is tasked with formulating modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) under each of its elements. The work of the APA would be carried forward at the intersessional climate talks in Bonn in May 2017.

On the element of further guidance on nationally determined contributions, the Parties have been asked to submit their views by April 1, 2017. In the draft conclusions, APA has also requested the secretariat to organise, under the guidance of the APA co-chairs, a roundtable to take place on May 6, 2017.

On adaptation communications, the APA invited the Parties to make submissions on the element and requested the Secretariat to compile the submission into a synthesis document.

Regarding global stocktake, the APA endorsed the view of Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to explore linkages on how IPCC assessments can inform the global stocktake. In this element, too, the Parties were invited to make their submissions.

On transparency framework, the Parties have been asked to give submissions around the questions related to specific components of MPGs, building of transparency framework on existing Kyoto arrangements, operationalisation of flexibility for developing countries and consideration of other elements. Besides, it was also agreed to hold an intersessional workshop prior to May 2017.

On matters of compliance and implementation of the Paris Agreement also, the Parties are required to make submissions.

While the Parties emphasised the future course of action, the developing countries called for maintaining the delicate balance of all elements under the APA. The African group said that guidance on nationally determined contributions must take into account heterogeneity of the contributions with adaptation and means of implementation being part of it, apart from mitigation. It also called upon the developed countries to fulfil their pre-2020 ambitions and show leadership.

The Parties, in particular the developed countries, also called for urgency of efforts to be taken as there was too much to accomplish in very less time.

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