CoP26 slideshow: Environment and development changes in a climate-risked world

Climate change is real;;and it is important to understand its various manifestations to combat it. Sunita Narain presents a slideshow to cut the clutter;

The 26th Conference of Parties (CoP 26) to the United Nations Framwork Convention on Climate Change has garnered the world’s eyeballs. The first fortnight of November will be all about global warrming, ill-effects and a strategy to combat. 

As ususual, it will be full of jargons: Words and phrases like ’emissions’, ‘greenhouse gas’, ‘mitigation’, ‘net zero’, etc will keep floating around. The maze of jargon can be quite daunting for the best of the minds. But it is important to understand the nature of the problem and appreciate it in order to adopt corrective measures. 

That climate change is real is as evident as the deluge and draught, the rising seas and melting ice, the wildfires and the tempestous tornadoes around us. And they are ever-increasing. Superlatives like ‘warmest’, ‘coolest’, ‘wettest’ and ‘driest’ have become commonplace. They are a remainder that the clock is ticking. Here, in this slideshow, we try to connect the dots for you and guide you through the labyrinth of climate-change-related issues around us. 

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