‘Drop Dow’s name from Olympic sponsors’ list’

Sports ministry writes to International Olympic Committee

The sports ministry has written a strongly-worded letter to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), asking it to drop the name of Dow Chemicals from the list of sponsors for the London 2012 Olympics.

Around 20,000 campaigners and victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy had recently gathered outside the British High Commission and the office of sports minister Ajay Maken demanding cancellation of the deal. They submitted a memorandum to the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games regarding this.

Dow Chemicals currently owns Union Carbide, responsible for the 1984 gas-leak tragedy in the city of Bhopal. It has been refusing to take responsibility of cleaning the toxic waters and soil contamination that resulted from the tragedy. The highly toxic chemicals and heavy metals present in the ground water continue to affect the lives of people in Bhopal. It must be cleared at the earliest, said Tamseel Hussain of Change.org, a website that aims to promote social change by use of online petitions. “India must boycott London 2012 Olympics if Dow Chemical is not dropped as a sponsor,” he added.


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