Coronavirus update: India’s total count reaches 60

Two persons from Kerala, one each from Rajasthan and Delhi test positive
Coronavirus update: India’s total count reaches 60

The number of people in India infected by the novel coronavirus (SARS COV-2) rose to 60 on March 11, 2020.

The parents of the Kerala child who tested positive on March 6, have also tested positive. One person each from Rajasthan and Delhi have also been found to be positive on March 11.

On March 10, six new cases from Kerala and three more from Karnataka tested positive for the virus. Two cases were confirmed in Pune on March 9. The total tally on March 10 was 56.

Coronavirus cases pass 115,000 worldwide

The novel coronavirus has infected more than 115,800 people — including at least 1,000 in the US — and killed over 4,200 worldwide, according to CNN.

Massachusetts emergency

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo deployed National Guard troops to a health department command post in New Rochelle, a suburb of New York City where health officials have reported at least 108 cases of COVID-19 in the area. Massachusetts' coronavirus cases have more than doubled and the state's governor declared a state of emergency after employees who attended a company meeting in Boston last month tested positive for the virus.

Ukraine’s quarantine 

Ukraine so far has only one confirmed case of the coronavirus, but the country’s capital city will impose a quarantine as a precautionary measure from March 12.

First deaths in Indonesia, Belgium 

Belgium announced the country's first death from the novel coronavirus on the morning of March 11. The victim was a 90-year-old, who was being treated in a Brussels clinic, the Belgian Public Health Federal Service's communications department told CNN. 

A 53-year-old woman who was a foreign citizen died from the virus in Indonesia, according to a health ministry official.

Poland shut down

Poland will close its schools, universities and cultural institutions from next week as part of its effort to thwart the spread of coronavirus. The measures, which come a day after Poland banned mass events, will remain in place for two weeks, the country's prime minister said on March 11.

Italy: 10,000 cases 

Italy has now 10,149 confirmed cases of the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University and Italy’s civil protection agency, and 631 deaths from the virus, up 168 from March 9. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced that the government will set even more money aside to tackle the outbreak, raising it to 25 billion euros ($28.3 billion) — up from 7.5 billion euros announced last week.

Australia cases rise to 122

Australia’s confirmed coronavirus cases rose to 122 on March 11, with 10 new cases reported by state health officials across the country. With infections growing, and Australia still attempting to contain community transmissions, the Morrison government also extended the travel ban to Italy, effective from 6 pm. Travel bans are already in place for travellers from China, Iran and South Korea.

Ghana, Gabon ban official travel

Almost all African governments have publicly put in place strict screening at points of entry especially airports. Cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Senegal and Nigeria. African airlines have cancelled scheduled flights to China except for Ethiopian Airlines.

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