Covid-19: Nine initiatives for the poor

Companies and non-profits are providing food and sanitation kits to the marginalised communities
Covid-19: Nine initiatives for the poor

The lockdown that came into force on March 25 has hit the migrant workers the most, who are stranded in the city without adequate money, food or shelter. Even the Union government’s Rs 1.7 lakh crore-relief package for those hit hardest by novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has little for the 139 million migrant workers.

Now, several non-profits, volunteer organizations and even companies have initiated campaigns to feed the migrant workers stranded in the city.

Zomato India has initiated the ‘Feed the Daily Wager’ campaign where they are providing ration kits to daily wager communities.

The kits, which typically cost Rs 500 each, contain wheat four or rice and two types of pulses and can feed a family of 5 for a week. The food delivery company has partnered with non-profits across cities to distribute the kits locally. The initiative has already Rs18.7 cr.

SAFA India, a non-profit working on education, had started a campaign to support daily-wage earners days before the lockdown was announced. The organisation is supplying “basic ration and hygiene supply kits to those in dire need” and is distributing only in Hyderabad, Karnataka, Bengaluru and Chennai. It is buying directly from wholesalers and then distributing the supply kits that contain:

Atta (2 kg), rice (1 kg), onion (1 kg), oil (1/2 kg), sugar (1/2 kg), tea powder (100 g), tur dal (1 kg), mirchi powder (200 g), haldi (100 g), salt packets (1/2 kg), soaps (2 pcs), detergents (1 kg), ayurvedic medicine Zinda Tilismath (1 bottle) and crocin (1 strip). 

Uday Foundation is raising money for distributing “care kits” to the homeless in Delhi. These kits include hand washes, sanitisers and food items. The initiative has already raised Rs 8.6 lakh from 197 contributors.

Habitat for Humanity India is providing “habitat hygiene” kits to the underprivileged to fight COVID-19. The kits consist of a mask, soap, hand sanitizer, instructional material on hand wash and other personal hygiene items across the country. The distribution of these kits will be done door-to-door via community workers and health workers in consultation with the authorities at the district level. In Maharashtra, Habitat for Humanity India is working in partnership with the state government in the fight against COVID-19.

Aajeevika Bureau and Citizens for Shelter Alliance  are working together to provide food kits to the urban poor in Ahmedabad.

Contact information: Cenny Thomas (| Irawati Anand (

National Alliance Group for Denotified, Semi-nomadic and Nomadic Tribes are providing immediate relief packages for families of the Morena tribe in Madhya Pradesh. Each package contains rice, pulses, oil, salt, spices, onion, potato, soap and detergent and can sustain a family of five for a week.

Contact details: Rohini Chhari- +91-7440586295

Humanity First Foundation is providing free breakfasts to over 1,000 people at three Hyderabad hospitals—Nilofer hospital, Koti Maternity Hospital and NIMS hospital. The initiative was started three years back and will continue throughout the lockdown.

A group of college students in Hyderabad are distributing essential commodities including food packets, milk, masks and sanitisers in slums across the city. The five women have so far helped 150 people in Masabtank, Lakdikapool, AC guards, Bazar guards, Nampally, Redhills, Hyderguda, and Mehdipatnam.

Kalam Foundation is raising funds to distribute food kits to the families of over 2,000 underprivileged kids in Hyderabad. Each ration kit contains rice (10 kg), cooking oil (1 kg), pulses (5 kg) and cost Rs 1000.

(The list will be updated regularly)

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