
The German chemicals group BASF is using its plastics manufacturing technologies to improve mclicine-making process. The echnology replaces the tradi 3-stage manufacturing see with a single process in the active ingredients are d and shaped as pliable Is, passed through rollers, and ed into tablets. Drugs, howew ? usually crystalline powders ck the elasticity of plastic. To )me this obstacle. BASF uses a medicines slowly into the body.

Couch potatoes in Singapore who spend endlessthe thee who of theinic gadt of time an oper, an, manics EngiF that is gadget.Operating for predetermined hours.

"Don't kill yourself with the sprays and potions that are sup posed to kill the cock roaches in your kitchen", warns EcoScience Corp of Worcester, Massachusetts, which has produced the world's first natural cockroach killer. It uses a fungus fatal to cockroaches called Metarhizium anisopliae, which is found in soil. The cockroaches pick up the fungus when they come in contact with the gadget. The fungus is harmless to humans, pets and plants, so it can be placed anywhere. This will come as a relief to environmentalists who have been growing increasingly worried about the effects of insecticides on humans.

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