Save the Nu/Salween river

China's plan to build a series of dams over southeast Asia's second largest river has evoked a strong response from environmental, human rights and ethnic groups in Thailand and Burma -- both downstream countries. 83 such organizations presented a petition to the Chinese ambassador in Thailand on December 16, 2003. "We have learned," the petition politely begins, "that Chinese authorities plan to approve the construction of a major dam at Liuku within this month, without consultation with downstream countries and communities. We understand that there are further plans to build a total of thirteen large dams on the mainstream Nu/Salween."
Save the Nu/Salween river

Southeast Asia Rivers Network & 82 Others

China's plan to build a series of dams over southeast Asia's second largest river has evoked a strong response from environmental, human rights and ethnic groups in Thailand and Burma -- both downstream countries. 83 such organizations presented a petition to the Chinese ambassador in Thailand on December 16, 2003. "We have learned," the petition politely begins, "that Chinese authorities plan to approve the construction of a major dam at Liuku within this month, without consultation with downstream countries and communities. We understand that there are further plans to build a total of thirteen large dams on the mainstream Nu/Salween."

Equally politely, the petition suggests that "Large numbers of peoples of many different ethnicities depend on the river for their livelihood. The peoples and the natural environment in the Nu/Salween River Basin will be drastically impacted by any major hydropower development undertaken by China on the river."

For these reasons, "the Chinese government [must] suspend the project immediately. The peoples in the Nu/Salween River Basin should be provided with timely and complete information about the planned developments and be entitled to participate in the decision-making process".

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