Stink over missing toilets: ministry initiates probe

CAG audit may be sought if states fail to disclose correct information, says secretary for drinking water and sanitation

The secretary of Union Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS) has set up a high-level committee to look into the huge discrepancy between its data on toilets built under its sanitation programme and what exists on ground. The discrepancy came to light following the 2011 Census findings that said the number of rural households across the country that don't have a toilets were many more than what the ministry claimed.
The Census figure showed that only 30.79 per cent of rural Indian households have toilets, whereas data compiled by the ministry showed that 53.09 per cent of the country's rural households were covered by the sanitation drive by December 2010. The difference between the ministry data and Census data is 22.30 per cent, which translates into more than 37.5 million missing toilets. All these toilets were built for individual households under the government's flagship programme, Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), in a period of 10 years. TSC was started in 1999 and  was renamed Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) in 2012.

Pankaj Jain, secretary with the ministry, had expressed serious concern on the matter during a closed-door meeting with senior officials of concerned departments of state governments last week.

“Media reported that many toilets exist only on paper and ministry data does not tally with Census data. On one hand we have 600 million people defecating in the open and on the other hand we are unable to construct toilets. I feel it is a disturbing trend,” said Jain (see 'Where are the missing toilets?').

He added that state departments are accountable to the ministry, which is accountable to the nation. “That’s why we have constituted a committee to look into the matter.”

He added that the ministry may seek an audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) if the states fail to disclose correct information.

Sarswati Prasad, joint secretary for sanitation, ascribed the discrepancy in data to “over-reporting” of toilets which are not constructed and exist only on paper. “The Ministry is not in position to take a call on which figure is correct,” he said.

Missing toilets

Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh top the list of states where toilets built under TSC are missing in large numbers (see table). But there seems to be a serious flaw in MDWS data which claimed that in Kerala there is no sanitation coverage for 78 per cent rural households, whereas Census figure showed this figure to be around seven per cent.

Compare ministry data with Census 2011 data

State Percentage of households sans toilets
(As per MDWS data)
percentage of rural households sans toilets
(Census 2011)
Jharkhand 64.31 92.38
Madhya Pradesh 25.56 86.88
Chhattisgarh 52.02 85.47
Bihar 70.46 82.40
Rajasthan 47.39 80.35
Uttar Pradesh 29.25 78.23
Tamil Nadu 23.70 76.78
Karnataka 41.17 71.59
Gujarat 33.85 66.96
Maharastra 42.33 62
J&K 65.01 61.35
West Bengal 30.69 52.26
Reasons for discrepancy

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