Stripe strikes

The rising incidence of tiger poaching may be checked with the creation of a proposed strike force
Stripe strikes

ALARMED by the increased rate of tigerpoaching in 23 tiger reserves through-out India, a proposal to create a SpecialStrike Source for tackling the menace bythe Project Tiger Steering committee,headed by the Union minister for environment and forests, Kamal Nath, hasfinally been green signalled by thePlanning Commission.

Says Arin Ghosh, director, ProjectTiger, "To match the organised gang ofpoachers, we have to create this specialforce, who will be exclusively trained totackle poaching."

The project cost has been estimatedat Rs 2.5 crore. For the first 5 years, theCentre will fund the project and thenstates would share 50 per cent of theexpenditure.

Tte Special Strike Force would be a12-intinber team comprising assisstant conservator of forest, foresters,Ongers@and forest guards. "They will begiven 1pecial combat training at thepolice academy," said Anup Wadhwa,joint director, Project Tiger.

Although project officials are veryoptimistic, there is a degree of scepticism about the project's success. SaidBrigadier Ranjit Talwar, director, TradeRecord of Flora and Fauna in Commerce of the World Wide Fund for Nature-India, "You can not have a common yardstick for all the reserves. Untila detailed study is done of all thereserves, how can a standard plan be formulated?"

He opined that an operation on a war footing is necessary to defend the boundaries of the tiger reserves.

Valmik Thapar, head,Ranthambhor Foundation,and member, Project TigerSteering Committee, saidthe project has been on theanvil for over a year, butwas delayed by the ministryof finance's reservations onsanctioning money.

He further said, "Afterrecommending the creationof the strike force, a surveywas carried out in Januarythis year, and it was foundthat 74 per cent of thereserves did not have strikeforces and neither do theyhave the infrastructure tohave one."

Madhya Pradesh, whichhas been awarded the statusof 'tiger state', has created aspecial 'Tiger Cell' in thepolice department to tacklepoaching in the state. In thepast 7 months, the cell hasconfiscated 10 tiger skinsand 13 leopard skins.

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