You can count the tiger

You can count the tiger

If you are concerned about the declining number of tigers and their prey, you can get trained to do a survey on your own. On Youtube. The Wildlife Conservation Society's India Program has released a unique training video on the site that showcases the latest scientific methods for estimating the numbers of wild tigers and their prey.

Monitoring Tigers and Their Prey - The Right Way, the five-part video was produced by wildlife filmmaker Shekar Dattatri, in collaboration with the tiger scientist K Ullas Karanth. It is based on the Monitoring Tigers and their Prey edited by Karanth and James D. Nichols.

"The main aim of the training video is to demystify field science techniques such as line transect sampling and camera trapping. This will help disseminate knowledge about the tiger," Karanth said.

"While many are now familiar with terms such as line transect sampling and camera trapping, they may not be aware of the principles underlying these methods. We hope the video will help fill this gap," said Ravi Chellam, of the Wildlife Conservation Society.

"The video will also be useful to people studying other big cats like jaguars, cheetahs, and leopards, because the methods of monitoring are the same," he added.

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