If the rate at whichpoaching is going on in the country continues, the whiterhinoceros (Ceratotheriumsimium cottoni) may soondisappear from the face ofthe earth. Poachers recentlykilled a pregnant femalewhite rhino in the Garambapark in northeastern Zaire.With her death, the numberof surviving white rhinos hascome down to less than 30,reports the World WideFund for Nature. Theremaining members of thespecies live in the park. Thecarcass of the 10-year oldrhinoceros was found in thelast week of March. 'thepoachers had killed a malewhite rhino in February. Onboth occasions, the poachershad cut off the hot ns of thebeasts. These horns have amarket value of is much asus S1,200 per kg in Yemen,where they are used fordagger hills. In some partsof Asia, powdered rhinohorns are sought for theiraphrodisiac properties.

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