From the blurbs

The Aid Trap by Glen Hubbard and William Duggan, Columbia University Press, US$ 16

Two leading business studies scholars make the case that foreign aid and Third World projects aren’t working. Glen Hubbard and William Duggan condemn the UN’s Millennium Goals strategy as a “charity trap”, that perverts local economies and “keeps corrupt leaders rich”.

Waves in the Hinterland, Journey of a Newspaper, Farah Naqvi, Zubaan, Rs 395

In 2002, Dalit women from UP’s Chitrakoot district started a newspaper: Khabar Lahariya. It today has a print run of almost 5,000 copies and a readership of over 25,000. This book takes you on a journey through feudal Bundelkhand to tell the story of this unusual newspaper and the feisty women who run it.

Environmental History, As if Nature Existed edited by John R McNeil, Jose Augusto Padua and Mahesh Rangarajan, OUP, Rs 645

Historians often ask when and how have humans reshaped nature. Economists now say economic and ecological changes are linked. This book is an attempt to bring together histories of environmental change and ecological economics. It covers topics as diverse as migration and mining, deforestation and the gene-based agricultural revolution.

Squatting with dignity by Kumar Alok, Sage, Rs 850

This is a historical account of the importance attached to hygiene and sanitation in ancient India and the evolution of sanitation policy in India. It discusses the key challenges encountered while implementing the Total Sanitation Campaign.

Down To Earth