Keeping up with COVID-19 anxiety — with good sleep

Keeping up with COVID-19 anxiety — with good sleep

Lifestyle patterns have changed, negativity has become the new world hallmark. It is crucial to maintain a healthy state

It has been nearly six months since the world turned into a game due to the lockdown imposed to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Lives — personal, professional — have been off-track since then.

A lot has changed. It is only axiomatic that lifestyle habits — from eating to sleeping patterns — have fallen prey to the changes.

And yet, people have been more careless than ever, which has started to affect their work performance. Many have been experiencing confused sleeping patterns. A good quality sleep is the need of the hour.

Negativity has become the new world hallmark, and it is crucial to maintain a healthy mood. Sleep is critical to physical health and effective functioning of the immune system. It can help cope with anxiety as well as stress.

Studies have shown that good sleep enables decision-making and complex thinking. One is able to function better. A recent study described sleep as the key factor in physiological restitution, with far‐reaching medical implications.

Here are some tips for a better and fulfilling sleep:

A stringent sleep schedule: Create a routine and follow it. It gives a sense of normalcy. A consistent sleep schedule cannot be ignored. Follow the same wake-up and lie-down time.

Sleep hygiene: Check your sleeping environment and get rid of things that can disturb your sleep. A good sleeping environment ensures cool room temperature, minimal light, a comfortable mattress and pillow and no digital devices around.

Relax yourself: Free your mind of thoughts. Try deep breathing, yoga, guided meditation and reading. Stay away from the news. Don’t cut off from the world, but restrict yourself to a few trusted sources.

People have been taking a proper sleep schedule for granted by abusing the sleeping patterns. In the event of following the way of minimum resistance, people can dread losing jobs. Bad sleep affects the overall functioning of the body and deteriorates mental and physical wellness.

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