Waking up to ACTA

India is finally sounding the alarm on a secretive pact by a cabal of rich nations to ramp up IP enforcement measures
Latha Jishnu / Business Standard / New Delhi June 10, 2010

Secret societies invariably fill one with dread. It’s the fear of the unknown — not knowing what these societies stand for, and even if one is familiar with their ideology, there is the uncertainty of not knowing how they will act to advance their cause. If you’ve been a Sherlock Holmes fan, you’ll know pretty much what I am talking about. Some of Arthur Conan Doyle’s most gripping tales of the famous detective (The Valley of Fear, The Musgrave Ritual and A Study in Scarlet) centred on secret societies and how they operated. The secret outfit in the first and the scariest of the stories, according to some critics, is supposed to be the Freemasons. That thesis may or may not be right, and as the Freemasons argue, they are much less a secret society — at least now — and more of “a society with secrets”.

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