Poverty eradication, a top priority or not?

On World Poverty eradication Day, here's a lowdown on the recent developments in poverty eradication in the world
Poverty eradication, a top priority or not?

1.6 people should escape poverty every second but currently just 1.1 are doing so. Worryingly, by 2020, the rate of poverty reduction would further slow down. Read more

Here’s how poverty, political myopia and ecological degradation are inter-related. Click here for more

Looking at how poverty has reduced and where, it is clear that economic growth alone will not lead to poverty eradication. Global efforts must factor in the ecological reasons behind poverty. For more, click here

As economic slowdown murmur becomes loud across the world, the debate over income inequality gains volume. Here’s the full story

Children are more prone to poverty than adults across the world. Read more

Two recent developments could precipitate a global debate on whether poverty triggers extremism. Here’s more

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