India all for CDM

Government endorses six renewable energy projects to be set up with Dutch assistance
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even as preparations were underway to host the eighth conference of parties (cop-8) on climate change, India sprang a surprise by endorsing six renewable energy projects under the clean development mechanism (cdm) of the Kyoto Protocol. The projects, with a total power generation capacity of 75 mega watt (mw), would be set up with the assistance of Netherlands under cdm, which enables developed countries to meet their greenhouse gas (ghg) emission reduction targets by investing in clean projects in a developing country. ghg reduction is measured in terms of certified emission reductions (cers), which are credited into the account of the country providing the technology and the finances.

The six companies of these projects have received the letter of endorsement (loe) from the Union ministry of environment and forests (mef) and their project design document will now be assessed by The Netherlands through Certified Emission Reduction Unit Procurement Tender (cerupt), which is implementing cdm for the Dutch government.

"Based on the presentations made by the companies in the month of November 2002, the cdm projects will be finalised," says Shalini Prakash of New Delhi-based non-governmental organisation (ngo), Development Alternatives, which works closely with the mef on cdm.

Meanwhile, Indian officials perceive these projects to be a leapfrog. "The important thing is that India has made a start and showed commitment (to Kyoto Protocol)," an mef official said.

Experts are also raising eyebrows over the mef committee which looks into clearance of cdm projects. On being questioned about the guidelines which the committee follows while endorsing a project, Prakash refused to comment. mef had received 11 projects for endorsement out of which six finally received the loe.

Under the Kyoto Protocol the European Union (eu) has committed itself to reduce the ghgs emissions by eight per cent during 2008-2012 relative to the 1990 emission levels. And The Netherlands as part of the eu has to reduce its emissions by six per cent, of which 50 per cent it plans to do domestically and rest 50 per cent by investing in mechanisms such as cdm.

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