GOING by the recent experiences in thepatent market, some scientists haveexpressed concern about the entry of us-based Progene Inc to set up genetic testing centres in the country diagnosing forgenetic abnormalities. The departmentof biotechnology (DBT) recently receivedfresh information questioning the company's credentials. It has come to lightthat the same company closed its shopin 18 months in Tunisia in Africa aftercollecting blood samples of the localpopulation. Recently, the DBT and thehealth ministry had approved the company's proposal on the condition that itwould not send the Samples outsideIndia.
However, the Indian Council ofMedical Research and the DBT havewarned the ministry that the company'snetwork in India will act as a passage forblood samples and human DNA to itscollaborators in the us. Earlier, the company had allayed misgivings that Indiansamples would be misused for patentinggenetic material. The company refusedto reveal why it wound up its operationsin Tunisia and why it was not permittedto operate in China. Progene runs genetic test centres in the us, Korea, Vietnamand France.