Ozone conundrum

Ozone conundrum

Refrigeration and air-conditioning industry has switched to ozonefriendly hydrofluorocarbons. But these are super global warming gases and need to be replaced

Compiled by Aditi Sawant, Graphics by Raj Kumar Singh (Source: Green Cooling Initiative, 2014)


Cold facts

image It is simple mathematics. We can only emit 990 billion tonnes of CO2 between 2012 and 2100 if we want to keep the rise of global temperature to less than 2 degrees. HFC phase-down and a direct transition to natural refrigerants can help eliminate 5-8 billion tonnes of CO2e.

image Adopting AC technology that is both cost-effective and energy-efficient could save over 192 terawatt-hours per year by 2020-the same amount of energy as produced by 64 medium-sized power plants.

image Appliances are rated with energy stars based on power efficiency. Energy efficiency of an appliance is improved by 10-30 per cent with the use of low GWP alternatives. Each star rating signifies a reduction in power consumption by around 6-8 per cent. For example, a 1-star refrigerator will consume nearly 750 units (kWh) of electricity a year. That comes to over two units a day. Whereas a 5-star rated refrigerator will consume only a little over 300 units a year, less than one unit a day. Therefore, low GWP alternatives will have climate and energy benefits.

Leading by innovation

Godrej is the first and only company in India that makes 100 per cent environment friendly refrigerators with help from GIZ-a German Federal Government enterprise. These refrigerators are 100 per cent free of chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons and HFCs. Godrej is also registered in the Bureau of Energy Efficiency as a participant in the Energy Standards and Labelling Programme. Its split ACs are 5-star rated. It uses naturally available hydrocarbon technology.

Down To Earth