Real on reel

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is now airing a new weekly series, Earth Report, hosted by the renowned film-maker, David Attenborough. Attenborough, known for creating some very popular serials on natural history and the environment like Life on Earth and the Secret Life of Plants, Believes strongly in the universal appeal of such programmes.
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As he says, "Such films are not about commercial people trying to promote a product, or political people trying to persuade you that they are right. They are about real people tackling real life."

Produced by the Television Trust for the Environment (TVE) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the five-minute stores aim at presenting a review of how far targets of the Earth Summit at Rio are being met. The subjects covered shall range from how 'green' the Sydney Olympics in the year 2000 are likely to be, to the initiatives launched by the citizens of Calcutta to make life easier for the poor of the city.

A special feature of the serial is that it would reach a number of viewers speaking languages other than English. The BBC is planning to make Arabic and Japanese versions of the programme. WWF and TVE will be distributing it in local languages through their networks. Therefore the majority of the programme's viewers could very well be non English-speaking persons.

Down To Earth