2010: hottest year in India till date

Why there were no April showers this year
2010: hottest year in India till date
  • By May 31, 250 people across India reportedly died of heat stroke. 2010 has been the warmest year so far since record keeping began in 1901
  • Mean temperatures for March and April were also the highest till date. For March, it was 26.3°C (2°C above normal), and for April, it was 29.1°C (2°C above normal)
  • An anti-cyclone that hovered over northwest and central India during March, April and May (see map) is said to have blocked the western disturbances from the Mediterranean Sea that usher in pre-monsoon showers
  • The clock-wise motion of the anti-cyclone may have helped hot westerlies penetrate deep into the country
  • Cyclone Laila that hit the western coast on May 17 cut off the cool easterlies that bring showers to the eastern coast
  • The after-cycle of last year’s El-Nino increased temperatures globally, including India

Sources: India Meteorological Department, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory at Tirupati

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