After a week in office, Modi government sets its agenda

The new government faces its first parliamentary session. Down To Earth puts together the agenda of the government in key sectors
After a week in office, Modi government sets its agenda

Faster forest clearances

Author: Kumar Sambhav Shrivastava

Two things that seem to be topmost priority of the new minister of environment, forest and climate change, Prakash Javadekar, are fast-tracking of environment clearances for development projects and firmly asserting India's position on climate change at the international forums. The day Javadekar took over his office, he launched an online system for application for the environment clearances  (a similar system for forest clearances is due to be launched next month). While the ministry might be working on this system from the tenure of the last government, Javadekar made it clear through his statements that he would make project clearances process "faster", "transparent" and hassle free. He was quoted by media saying that around 5,000 projects were awaiting green clearances from the ministry and his priority was to take up the clearances of defence and "public welfare" projects on the priority.

Read more on green clearances to ecologically damaging projects

Privatisation of health sector to get a boost

Author: Jyotsna Singh

The agenda that the new government has set for itself in the health sector was pronounced clearly within first week of Cabinet formation. The ministry has already issued press notes on important matters like medicines and health infrastructure. Certain tasks of the previous government have already become the priority, while a policy direction seems to have been concretised. As the new government starts its first Parliament session, new minister's preferences might affect budget allocations for the sector.

On his first day in office, even before the first Cabinet meeting, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan indicated that the ministry will aggressively take privatisation forward. Though the previous government too made space for private players in health sector, the new minister seems to be taking it on more vigorously. “I am not in favour of taxpayers’ money being used to push a one-size-fits-all health policy. From this morning itself, I have started contacting public health practitioners to know their minds on what should be the road ahead,” said the minister at a meeting.

Read more on privatisation in health sector
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Create durable assets with MGNREGA

Author: Jitendra

The Union Ministry of Rural Development has decided to link the UPA flagship programme for rural employment, MGNREGS, with village development like construction of durable infrastructure and linking it with agriculture. The government also plans to introduce a provision to punish those responsible for delay in payment to rural job seekers under rural employment guarantee Act (MGNREGA).


Gujarat to show the path

Author: Ankur Paliwal

Piyush Goyal, minister of state for power, coal and new and renewable energy has not said much so far, other than that his priority is to light up every house in the country. As renewable energy is high on his agenda, he plans to visit Gujarat to get first-hand experience of how the state turned its energy sector around and become a solar power hub. "Gujarat has very successful renewable energy sector," said Goyal after assuming charge of his office.

Question raised in Lok Sabha: Environment clearances to projects

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