DTE Reportage


When business rules our kitchens

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Sounds of self-interested silence

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Too much at stake

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Killing the high-end killer

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Control your food. It is your business

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The Satyam in our oil

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Fat Chance
Reducing obesity -- the leading cause of non-communicable diseases in the world -- has become a political game.
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Genes, Dreams and Reality
Don't blame your genes. Environment and lifestyle cause cancer
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Agony of the Waiting
Cancer treatment for the poor
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Out of Breath
Asthma makes poor children suffer far more than their rich counterparts.
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Gasping millions
Asthma, the bane of modern life, stalks the young ones and the affluent. An analysis into what triggers the killer.
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What will you eat?
Pro-industry food safety and standards bill does not address safety concerns
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Fare is foul
The urban middle classes with money to burn are redefining nouvelle cuisine. The costs are huge but few are counting the calories fewer still checking the nutrition chart.
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Fat of the matter
A study of branded edible oils found the science to prove a cooking medium's healthiness just isn't there.
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Unhealthy Countryside
Today, hypertension is fast spreading in rural India. This is a cause for concern because hypertension, if not checked, can lead to heart and kidney diseases.
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Residue of a revolution
Punjab practices intensive agriculture that needs pesticides. We find much more pesticide, compared to the developed world, in food, water and soil.
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Cancer train
How do people in Punjab deal with cancer?
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Special Reports

Centre bans gutkha
Activists, health experts are sceptical; pin hope on Supreme Court’s verdict on smokeless tobacco
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Diabetes plan staggers
National programme to combat the disease is inadequate
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Cap energy drinks
CSE laboratory tests show energy drinks contain excess caffeine; their market grows without checks
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Think before you drink
Studies confirm energy drinks like Red Bull can be unsafe. India yet to limit their caffeine content
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Kerala gets cautious
Plans to ban extremely and moderately hazardous pesticides in cardamom district, Idukki
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Another Kasaragod
Like Kerala’s Kasaragod, neighbouring Dakshina Kannada is bearing the brunt of spraying of endosulfan.
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No to natural sweetener
Nature’s zero-calorie sweetener—stevia—kept out of Indian market
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You just got fatter
What is overweight for Caucasians is now obese for Indians
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Air to lung to DNA
Air pollutants damage genes, affect human behaviour 
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Sinister pattern
Analysis of Asian studies highlights universality of air pollution problem
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Children of endosulfan
Several unusual diseases afflict a Kerala village. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala.
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Modified treaty
The Biosafety Protocol has finally been adopted in the hope that it will bring some transparency into the trade in genetically-modified products. But some say it is weak and watered down to suit US interests
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Brain drain
Consuming vegetables contaminated with heavy metals and pesticides can lower a child's intelligence
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Strict US legislations are forcing cigarette companies to shift business to developing countries, where they are helped by lax laws and political reluctance to deal with the menace
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Lurking threat
Nascent, nasty and lethal, ozone has risen to dangerous levels in Delhi, and is increasing in various cities -- damaging human health and affecting agriculture
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