On means of implementation (finance, technology transfer and capacity building)

As outlined in Article 4.7 of the Convention, developing countries need support for finance, technology and capacity. Without these, the developing countries are clear that their efforts to take any action will suffer.

Means of implementation (MOI), including finance and transfer of technology remain critical. The importance of MOI to achieve convention objectives is highlighted in Article 4.7 of the Convention. That should be the basis for the way ahead.

Developing countries are putting in place low carbon strategies. The key barrier is MOI. MOI for adaptation has not been treated as a Convention obligation thus far. Transparency of fast start finance is exemplary of what we should not do. We did not see funding of NAPAs for LDCs.

English is not my mother tongue and I need to understand MOI. The Cantonese meaning of MOI is nothing! The Convention has provisions for everything. Read Article 4.7. The core issues of technology transfer and IPR have not been addressed yet. The 2015 deal must have provision on capacity building to help developing countries.

Adaptation is crucial. While allocating resources for adaptation and mitigation, balance is needed; loss and damage is equally important.

We associate with the African group. We need continuity in scaling up provisions for MOI since it is crucial for us. Any funding should be new and additional. MOI cannot be discussed in abstract terms. There should be periodic reviews of climate finance in the new deal. Attracting private funding is difficult and therefore funding should be grant based.

Ecuador (LMDC)
MOI is critical. First, review adequacy of commitments on MOI. Evaluate where we stand on implementation of commitments and then explore alternative mechanisms such as market-based mechanisms to enhance MOI. Operationalize GCF. Funding must be without conditions.

There is hardly any movement on finance. Developing countries are already making a significant effort. Finance and technology transfer can enhance these actions.

Colombia (ILAC)
We all want to be ambitious but we have limitations in capacity. Also, not all of us have contributed to climate change. MOI becomes even more important in that context.

There is a general agreement among us all that we are not seeking new institutions. Developed countries are committed to provide 100 billion dollars by 2020. Beyond 2020, it will depend on how we mobilise all resources of finance in the light of fiscal reality and national sovereignty.

New Zealand
Support for ensuring market mechanisms/carbon markets must figure in the future deal.

Post 2020, MOI will be critical to unlock ambition. MOI must be directed towards demonstrable mitigation and adaptation actions. Transparency of investments is critical. The ability to demonstrate results is more important. Carbon markets will be an important tool to support implementation. A broader range of parties should be able to support climate action in their own country as well as other countries.

We expect arrangement for climate support to grow. The US$ 100 billion a year up to 2020 will continue beyond that. We could attract private finance for mid-level countries. To mobilize climate support, you need ambitious mitigation action.

MOI is crucial to enable climate action for both mitigation and adaptation. We need to learn from ongoing work under the Convention and from existing institutions. MOI must reach those that need support and contribution must come from all parties that can do so.

MOI is a broad challenge. It is about cooperation and support, but it is also what parties do individually. We must focus on market based instruments and need more discussions on that

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