Sanctuaries - how safe?

INDIA'S record of protecting its wildlifespecies is none too bright, says a reportprepared by a committee appointedby the Delhi High Court and headedby inspector genera I of forests,M F Ahmed. Recent surveys of premierProject Tiger reserves, national parksand sanctuaries have revealed "analarming and depressing scenario ofgeneral apathy and lack of motivation,interest and competence among thestaff at different levels ......

The country has 441 wildlife sanctuaries and 80 national parks.But, there are 1,336 threatened plantspecies, and on the threatenedanimals list there are 53 mammals,69 birds (the fourth highest threatrate in the world), 23 reptiles (thesecond highest rate), three amphibiansand 22 invertebrates.

Despite stringent laws, strongvested interests manage - to put adampener on the wildlife protectionprogramme. Says Ashish Kothari ofthe Indian Institute of PublicAdministration, cwhile keeping conservation in view, rights and livelihoodof the local people must also be kept in mind".

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