Trash crisis in Lebanon, protests turn violent

Protests that started over garbage dump and shortage of landfills evolved into demonstrations against the government
Clashes in Lebanon
Clashes in Lebanon

Lebanon’s crisis over garbage festering is worsening by the day. On Tuesday,  many cabinet workers moved out of crucial talks organised to find solutions to the crisis.

Called by protesters as You Stink, the protest is now targeting the dysfunctional political system in the country as most of its citizens are blaming the nonchalant politicians for the same. “The public has grown increasingly infuriated over the government’s inability to collect garbage that has been piling up for weeks during the hottest months of the summer. The garbage has also become a symbol of all the basic services that Lebanon’s gridlocked, ineffective government has failed to deliver for years,” says a report published in New York Times.

News reports have also suggested that protests broke out on Tuesday between police and hundreds of demonstrators rallying in Beirut, the capital of the West Asian country. These were triggered by government’s failure to approve tenders for waster collectors. The protests that reportedly started last week against garbage dumping and shortage of landfills later evolved into demonstrations against the government.

Meanwhile, social media was also seen flooded with pictures of clashes between the police and the people of Lebanon.

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