From the blurbs

Published: Thursday 31 December 2009
Agricultural Growth The role of techhnlogy, incentives and institutions by A Vaidyanathan, OUP, Rs 675

These essays by a renowned agricultural expert stress that agriculture cannot be jacked up to a higher growth trajectory without a significant shift in strategies, priorities, and major institutional reforms.

Our choice, a plan to save the climate crisis by Al Gore, Penguin, Rs 999

Al Gore is the poster boy of many campaigns to stop climate change. Adopting the lucid technique of his celebrated film Inconvenient Truth, in Our Choice, Gore proposes solutions at the personal and local to the national and political levels and in the area of international policy and law.

Footloose in the Himalaya by Bill Aitken, Permanent Black, Rs 295

Away from over-used tourist trails and trekking routes, Bill Aitken wanders through the Himalaya.His inclination is to enter disused colonial dak bungalows and ruined temples, meander in wild glades above the treeline, carpeted with wild flowers, filling his water bottle from mountain springs and waterfalls. With his wide-ranging, sometimes eccentric, interests, this book is replete with insights on geology, philosophy, and folklore.

The Green Pen edited by Keya Acharya and Fredrick Noronha, Sage, Rs 395

The essays in this volume deal with the dilemmas faced by journalists writing on environment that is a new entrant to the field of journalism. This is arguably the first book of its kind in India and it also has contributions from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and the Maldives.
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