From the blurbs

The Compass Of Pleasure: How Our Brains Make Fatty Foods, Orgasm, Exercise, Marijuana, Generosity, Vodka, Learning, And Gambling Feel So Good by Viking Press, US $ 16

The struggle between the brain—the capital of rationality—and the heart, the sloppy seat of passion is as old as humanity.

In The Compass of Pleasure, David J Linden, a professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins, focuses on how our brain pursues and processes pleasure.

This book with a winding subtitle condenses the current thinking about the ways in which our brain is wired for pleasure and provides a unified theory of enjoyment that explains everything from sex to charitable giving.

The Science Of Saving Tigers by Ullas Karanth, Orient Blackswan, Rs 550

This book puts together 20 significant articles on topics ranging from tiger ecology to critiques of government policy from a selection of over 70 that have appeared in various national and international journals, spanning Ullas Karanth’s work over two decades. It is essential reading for serious students of conservation biology and will serve as a vital information resource for tiger conservationists in particular.

Other Landscapes: Colonialism And The Predicament Of Authority In Nineteenth-Century South India by Deborah Sutton, Orient Blackswan, Rs 695

This book investigates the way colonial authority ordered landscapes in the Nilgiris.

Deborah Sutton argues the operation was guided by the imperatives of improvement and marked out by ethnographic, agricultural and arboreal typologies.

Down To Earth