From the blurbs

Forest Ecology In India: Colonial Maharashtra 1850–1950, Neena Ambre Rao, Cambridge University Press, Rs 795

This book examines the human interactions that shaped the ecosystem of Maharashtra during colonial rule. It examines the impact of the forest policies and subsequent responses of the tribals, peasants and artisans.

Diversity, Identity And Linkages, Edited by K S Singh, OUP, Rs 545

This book is an exploration of the diversities—ecological, linguistic, and ethnic—and affinities among different communities in India.

The Politics Of Sanitation In India: Cities, Services And The State by Susan E Chaplin, Orient Blackswan, Rs 795

This book examines how millions of people in Indian cities are forced to live in illegal settlements that lack basic urban services. This has occurred because of two factors. First, the legacy of the colonial city, which is characterised by inequitable access to sanitation services, a failure to manage urban growth and the proliferation of slums. Second is the nature of the post-colonial state, dominated by coalitions of interests accommodated by the use of public funds to provide private goods.

Down To Earth