How to build your own mud house keeping these 5 things in mind?

The story of Biju Bhaskar who teaches people to make breathable houses

Anybody can make a house. Especially if this house is made using mud. Biju Bhaskar who founded Thanal has been propagating this message for over a decade.

His students include architects and people without formal training in architecture. Biju teaches his students about different techniques for how these mud structures are made.

So we sat down with the man himself, Biju Bhaskar to understand this popular quote: "Anybody can make a mud house".

Biju Bhaskar and Thannal’s mission is to make mud buildings everybody’s business. To make traditional techniques available and accessible for all.

To provide the knowledge, resources and confidence to people who want to move back into breathable homes. And they are trying to do it without forcing people to spend a lot of money. There are numerous such examples of quality affordable mud houses that Thanal help build.

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