Harmful Vaccines

Public Health Activist Anand Rai explains how harmful chemicals are being used in children's vaccines. ENGLISH TRANSLATION I got to know about the details of the vaccine trials from the junior doctors who used to work in the pediatric department and through them I got to know that some of the investigative vaccines are also being tested on the children. I filed this RTI two months back and I asked the details of the  preservatives and adjuvants and that are being used to boost immunity.

Public Health Activist Anand Rai explains how harmful chemicals are being used in children's vaccines.


I got to know about the details of the vaccine trials from the junior doctors who used to work in the pediatric department and through them I got to know that some of the investigative vaccines are also being tested on the children.

I filed this RTI two months back and I asked the details of the  preservatives and adjuvants and that are being used to boost immunity.

According to me, the new and developed preservatives and adjuvants are expensive and since Thiomerosal is relatively cheaper, therefore in India cheaper preservatives and adjuvants are being used and because of that it's impacting adversely the children here. They are suffering from a lot of diseases. However, the government has still not come up with a system to monitor this. Like In America, they have  the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System. But in India, neither the government nor the Drug Controller have any mechanism like this and because of that the children here are suffering a lot.

To access information through RTI has become very difficult. The law that was made was for a common man for easy access to government information. But, according to me, even now  a common man has to face a lot of difficulties to access information through RTI.

The biggest difficulty is that 40 consultants are involved in the drug trials here and when I started exposing this drug trial I was terminated from the college. I challenged this termination in the High Court and I was reinstated but I still have not been able to join the college again. I have filed 200 petitions in the High Court and even the court has ordered in my favor.
I have lost my job in the whole process. They don't shy away from harassing anybody. They have a complete lobby. The dean along with the senior professors who are members of the college council and in some way or the other involved in the drug trial and everybody is protecting each other.
And those who dare to raise their voice and concern against these malpractices, they take stringent actions against them.

Yesterday the Lok Ayukt came here and we gave our statements in front of him. The patients also told him about their experiences and the problems that they faced because of these trials on children that's happening without the consent of the parents. Now the Lok Ayukt has taken the matter seriously and asked for the complete rules and regulations from us. We were also assured by him that he would look into the matter seriously. The private hospitals and the clinics here are still going on with the trials. Even the literate masses here do not understand the meaning of clinical trials and thus they are being subjected to clinical trials.

The most important thing is that in the garb of these trials, the doctors have taken crores of money from the multinational companies. These doctors have long forgotten their ethics. They are not working for the country but they are only working for the multinational companies to serve their own ends and to fill their own pockets.

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