Screengrab taken from the video uploaded on YouTube by Marshall Poe
Screengrab taken from the video uploaded on YouTube by Marshall Poe

Gandhi Jayanti 2022: DTE’s coverage over the years on various facets of the Mahatma

From nutrition expert to cleanliness advocate to environmentalist, the Father of the Nation donned various hats

Screengrab taken from the video uploaded on YouTube by Marshall PoeScreengrab taken from the video uploaded on YouTube by Marshall Poe

The cornerstone of Mahatma Gandhi’s attitude towards food was simplicity; food for him was energy and medicine
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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought ugly realities into focus; this is when Gandhi and his thoughts become even more relevant
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He viewed food as an opportunity to allow free exchange of culture
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He was ahead of his times in choosing sustainable transport for his tours and travel
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A rare interview extracted from 'An Interview with Gandhi' by French Journalist Charles Petrasch, which he took at London in 1931 (Courtesy: Think India Quarterly).
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Gandhi-Luthuli Chair Professor, School of Politics, Howard College, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
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Mahatma Gandhi never used the words environment protection. However what he said and did makes him an environmentalist. His writings are replete with remarks on the excesses of industrial society. Political psychologist and social theorist Ashis Nandy has written extensively on Gandhi. In a freewheeling chat with Kaushik Das Gupta he spoke on Gandhi's vision of social change, his critique of industrialisation and the way movements draw inspiration from Gandhi. Edited excerpts:
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Down To Earth