'We improve life through natural resources'

'We improve life through natural resources'

On your inspiration
I studied engineering, but was convincedI was not meant for it. Duringmy stint with Ford Foundation, Iworked with a doctor couple fromJohns Hopkins University, USA. Theywere training rural women inMaharashtra as community healthworkers. I realized that is exactly whatI wanted to do.

I conceived of the organization, butVijay Mahajan, the co-founder ofPRADAN, was instrumental in giving itshape. PRADAN works in seven states,mostly in tribal areas. The focus is onenhancing means of income throughimproving agriculture and irrigation,and by promoting home-based industrylike poultry.

On PRADAN's impact

On your favourite project
PRADAN has done path-breaking workin silk farming in tussar-producingareas. Tribals in Jharkhand and Biharwere trained to identify disease-freeeggs using a simple microscope andtaught to increase productivitythrough new silkworm rearingtechniques. The weavers were broughttogether to ensure they get betterprice from traders. Many are returningto sericulture as tussar has becomemore remunerative.

On people's response

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