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Bad for people, bad for environment
Claims by the government and industry that environmental regulations are throttling India's economic growth are belied by the latest study by Delhi-based non-profit, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE).
Growth at what cost?
The diversion of forestland for development projects in the past five years is unprecedented. What would be the cumulative impact of these projects on the environment?
What you did not know about forestland diversions
For the past five years, every year forestland equal to Tadoba, Sahyadri or Panna tiger reserve has been diverted to other uses, and only a small fraction of it was for community services like village schools, dispensaries and drinking water projects
Coal mining’s dirty dossier
All coal mining areas have very high levels of pollution and most coal mining companies have very poor environment management record. In the past five years, environment ministry has granted environmental clearance to double the coal production capacity in the country
The iron ore rush
The iron ore capacity granted environmental clearance during the 11th five-year plan period (till August, 2011)—162 MTPA—is 75 per cent of the existing capacity of iron ore mining in the country. Most of this will be for exports
Thermal power clearances: an impediment to growth?
The environmental clearance granted to thermal power plants in the past five years is about two and a half times the capacity of thermal power plants the country has installed in 60 years after independence
Iron and Steel: clearances outpace requirement
The environment ministry has already granted clearance to more than the existing capacity of sponge iron and steel production in the country during the 11th five year plan period
Cement exceeds target
With the clearances granted till August 2011, the combined capacity will be 369 MTPA, 1.6 times the target set for the 11th five year plan. The land requirement for the cement plants stands at 16,000 hectare and the water requirement is 89 million m3 per year