Explainer series: What sixth IPCC report says about India and the world

Climate change is rapid, widespread and irreversible, IPCC flagged on August 9, when it released its sixth assessment report. A collection of stories done by DTE
Explainer series: What sixth IPCC report says about India and the world

The United Nations Secretary-General calls for complete pause on coal plants after 2021 during the launch of the 6th IPCC report
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The latest IPCC report confirms that we can no longer lose time in prevarication or in finding new excuses not to act, including empty promises of net zero by 2050
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Under the bestemission scenario, Delhi may experience a 2°C rise in mean temperature by 21st century-end to pre-industrial period
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The city is set to experience the highest increase in total annual rainfall among other metropolitan cities in the 21st century; mean temperature and sea-level rise will increase too
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Sea level close to Sundarbans at the southern fringe of Kolkata expected to rise 60 cm by century-end
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Current warming unprecedented in more than 2,000 years; temperatures during 2011-2020 exceed those of the most recent multi-century warm period around 6,500 years ago
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Climate science has evolved since the last IPCC report released in 2013, and scientists are now confident that human influence has caused climate change as we know it
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The Sixth Assessment Report recognises compound extremes, multiple climate change drivers working together to maximise disaster impacts
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The report, first of 4 that make up the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report, looks at the physical science behind climate change. It will contain 14,000 citations to exisiting research
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Most regions of the world will warm up considerably as the march of climate change continues globally, according to the latest IPCC Report
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The IPCC’s latest report cites various instances of how fast-vanishing indigenous knowledge is an important tool to mitigate the climate crisis
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The world can emit approximately 400 billion tonnes more of carbon dioxide before hitting the 1.5°C limit, the report said
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In its first major climate report since 2013, the IPCC offers its starkest warning yet: Serious impacts of global warming are now unavoidable
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Daniel Swain, a climate scientist from the University of California, Los Angeles, talks about the new science of extreme events attribution
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Even if emissions are brought to net-zero by mid-century, there will be an ‘overshoot’ of the 1.5°C limit by 0.1°C
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The continent will likely experience drier conditions with an exception of the Sahara and eastern Africa
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Frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation events projected to increase across the continent
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