

As climate changes, Himalayan farmers return to traditional crops

Traditional crops and new innovations are offering farmers in the Himalayan region a way to deal with the challenges of climate change, but …


China and India’s border dispute is a slow-moving environmental disaster

Almost half the world’s population and 20% of its economy depend on Himalayan rivers. China and India’s …


Community-led strategies offer hope for east Himalayan biodiversity

Local farmers and communities are succeeding to conserve crops and wildlife where government has failed in one of the world’s …


हिमनद: जानकारी का संकट

जियोलॉजिकल सर्वे ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा सूचीबद्ध भारतीय हि…


बंजर होते हिमालय

ओक के वनों के मुकाबले चीड़ के वनों की रीचार्ज क्षमता एक…


केदारनाथ आपदा के अवशेषों में छिपी जलवायु चक्र की कहानी

वैज्ञानिकों ने वर्ष 2013 की केदारनाथ आपदा के बाद वहां पाए…


Mega-earthquakes strike where tectonic plates collide faster: study

By creating a model that reproduces earthquakes, scientists show that frequency and maximum magnitude of earthquakes depend on collision rate


Yeti: The Ecology of a Mystery

Yeti: The Ecology of a Mystery is the extraordinary story of one man’s conservation impact and what it means for people to be part of …


दोस्त बने दुश्मन

पिछले कुछ सालों में कुत्तों के हमले की वजह से घरेलू मवे…


हिरोशिमा के रेडियोधर्मी तत्‍व में मिले हिमालयी भूकंपों से जुड़े संकेत

पूर्वी हिमालय के अगले हिस्‍से में वर्ष 1950 में आए 8.6 रिक्&…


Denied forest rights, Himachal Pradesh villagers take to awareness campaigns

About 2,614 individual and 54 community claims made under the FRA in 2009-10 were rejected by the District Forest Officer in 2015


Khar’s experimentation with Himalayan nettle brings recognition

Himalayan nettle, a fibre-yielding plant, has become an important livelihood option for people living in the remote mountainous villages of …