
Organic Farming

Rewind 2018: How farming hogged headlines, yet not spotlight

The country saw a host of agricultural protests, policies, disputes and distress in 2018; here’s all of it


Promoting input-based enterprises to spread organic farming

Promotion around locally available options can be sustainable solution 


India has the highest number of organic farmers globally, but most of them are struggling

Poor policy measures, rising input costs and limited market are affecting growth of organic farming in the country


Traces of glyphosate found in breakfast cereal in US: study

Furious debate rages in the US following the report’s release over how much glyphosate is too much for humans


These consumers are funding farmers to make food sustainable

A transformation in the food system is underway with 100 consumers funding traditional millet farmers


Climate-smart agriculture: an answer to climate change

Sustainably increasing agricultural production, adapting to climate change and reducing emissions are the main points of climate-…


Why farmers in Uttarakhand prefer indigenous seeds over hybrids

In Uttarakhand, farmers are slowly shifting away from hybrid seeds to traditional varieties.  They find the traditional seeds better …


FabIndia School Bali, Pali : How to make your school green

FabIndia School Bali, Pali is a shining example of resource efficiency. It draws 90 per cent of its electricity from solar, harvests rainwater,…


Biopesticide: an organic and eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticide

Harendra Singh Lodhiyal is a farmer who promotes sustainable and eco-friendly farming in Ramgarh block of Nainital district, Uttarakhand. He …


From living in a mud house to a fixed roof, this Malawian farmer knows the value of climate-smart agriculture

Grace Manda from Malawi never thought a climate-resilient method of farming could help her build a fixed roof, send her kids to school, that …


75% of world’s seeds are preserved by small farmers, mostly women

Women produce more than half of all the food grown globally and yet they lack access to resources, knowledge and market, all of which can …


Speciality rice varieties of Kerala are storehouse of nutrition: study

Rice can be a vital source of nutrition if some of the nutritious varieties of rice traditionally grown can be popularised