

Rewind 2018: Urbanisation creates chaos in India

Challenges and possible solutions to the rising population in urban areas


Here are 3 of 21,000 industrial pollution cases pending in Indian courts

Industrial pollution cases in Indian courts often span over decades and, as a result, the country had over 21,000 pending court cases on …


Upward development trend responsible for rising emission levels

Energy-efficient and sustainable urbanisation can address public health and climate change challenges simultaneously


India loses natural resources to economic growth: report

11 states have registered a decline in natural capital between 2005 and 2015 


Africa to house 86% of the world’s poorest by 2050

Population growth in Africa is a major reason for high concentration of people living in extreme poverty, says a report


Indigenous peoples are crucial for conservation – a quarter of all land is in their hands

Land owned or managed by indigenous people is valuable for conservation. About 65% of indigenous lands have not been intensively …


Here comes the megacities

By 2100, at least 10 cities are predicted to have population over 50 million. How can society keep pace?


India, not yet a safe country for cyclists

On World Bicycle Day (June 3), let's emphasise the fact that cycling as a mode of travel can only pick up in India only when the 'smart cities'…


The electric vehicle boom is coming. What can we learn from early adopters?

From tiered electric rates to equitable taxes, experienced communities have a lot to teach when it comes to managing the anticipated influx of …


Emerging infectious diseases in India: the scourge that could boost urban development

The rise of these infectious diseases is often described in terms of biological processes, but they cannot be reduced to just this dimension


Bike-share companies are transforming US cities – and they're just getting started

The humble bicycle, aided by smartphone technology, is resurging as an urban transportation option


The Sustainable City

Living sustainably is not just about preserving the wilderness or keeping nature pristine.